Tuesday, May 20, 2008

We're hard-wired to survive-that's what causes PTSD.

There are those who deny that in spite of being in combat they do not suffer from PTSD. I do not believe this is possible.

As humans, we are hard-wired to survive. When our survival is threatened it messes with that hard wiring. As humans, we have no choice but to shut down. That's what PTSD is—shutting down and putting a block in our energy system so we don't have to deal with a traumatic event.

While avoidance is a helpful reaction in the short run, it is extremely harmful in the long run. Until the blockage is cleared and the trauma released unwanted symptoms will continue to plague.

As trauma is piled upon trauma the situation is compounded. Something must be done to relieve the pressure or like a boiler, the person will explode.

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