Sunday, May 18, 2008

Smells are key links to healing PTSD

The olfactory system (the sense of smell) is the only sensory system that is connected directly to the brain. Other senses must pass through the thalamus and be routed to the brain. Because of this the sense of smell has a powerful emotional impact on us.

Knowing this there is no mystery about why odors such as cordite or blood trigger delayed reactions in returning veterans.

It is also the reason that certain odors are just as powerful in calming emotions. Aromatherapy is another inexpensive, effective, and seldomly used aid that can help heal soldiers who suffer from the effects of combat. When it is correctly used-there are no side effects, it can be used anywhere, it's easy to use, and the price of a good quality essential oil (and that's all you should be using) is far less than an ongoing prescription of Xanax or Zoloft. Contact a local massage therapist or aromatherapist for more guidance on how essential oils can help.

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