Thursday, January 10, 2008

What is PTSD?

PTSD or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is, simply stated, a disorder caused by emotional shock. It is a relatively new term. The medical community has only recently realized that it is a condition or syndrome (pattern) peculiar to one or more emotionally charged events in one's life.

In earlier wars the condition was known as "shell shock" or "battle fatigue." It was generally not treated at all. If it was treated it was considered a mental illness and treatment was often harsh and bizarre.

Today we recognize that any emotional shock can result in continuing stress and distress, causing symptoms from mild mental or emotional discomfort to extremely serious behavior problems.

The shock can be as minor as a dog bite or it can be horrific such as incidents in war or a disaster of some kind like Katrina or the Tsunami. Regardless of the severity of the shock, if it causes any kind of discomfort whatever for the individual, it is justifiably considered PTSD.

The good news is that PTSD is curable. Without drugs, expensive in-patient treatments, lengthy therapy or bizarre mechanical devices-you, a buddy or your loved one can get help for this disabling condition.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

also called "Soldiers heart"