Tuesday, October 27, 2009

America's Heros at Work

Ok folks, for all you employers out there, here is a chance to fill out your ranks, help your community, while you are providing meaningful employment to a deserving veteran. This can help you add to your work force at the same time giving a veteran a means of providing for his or her family, (now that he or she has provided for our country.) It's a win-win situation and I highly recommend you to look into it if you are in need of skilled labor!

Hands-On Employment Pilot matches employers and veterans with TBI and/or PTSD

America's Heroes at Work has embarked on a new hands-on endeavor - an Employment Pilot designed to coordinate successful employment experiences for veterans with TBI and/or PTSD, while studying individual experiences. DOL's Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) is managing this "learning lab" concept with support from workforce development professionals and a steering committee comprised of representatives from key federal partners. Through the Pilot, DOL will study, validate and disseminate best practices related to helping employees with TBI and/or PTSD succeed on the job. The initial phase of the Pilot will concentrate on employers and veterans located in the Greater Washington, D.C. area, all of whom will benefit from hands-on support. Workforce development professionals on the team will consult with organizations interested in employing veterans with TBI/PTSD, match them with qualified veteran workers, provide ongoing support; and monitor experiences and track best practices. For more information, visit the America's Heroes at Work Web site <http://www.americasheroesatwork.gov/employpilot.html> .

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