Thursday, September 10, 2009


lets hope so!
She is doing a special on ptsd and returning vets. Here's a great way to help a BIG population by going on the show and telling your story veterans. Here are some details...

PTSD: Suicide and Homicide in the Armed Forces
The Oprah Show will be investigating:
1) The high number of Soldiers being diagnosed with Combat-Related PTS...
2) The Skyrocketing Suicide Rate of Soldiers...
3) The Dramatic Increase of Domestic Abuse and Homicide by Soldiers once they return to the US.
Have you personally experienced a Suicide, Homicide or Physical Abuse caused by Combat-Related Post-Traumatic Stress? Are you fearful your loved one may have Combat-Related PTS? Do any of the statements below sound like something your spouse, parent, child, or friend might say or feel?
*I don't care about going to therapy anymore.
*Nothing is working out for me. I am never going to get better.
*No one cares about me or what I do. Whats the point of going on?
*Everyone is getting on my nerves lately.
*I just do not feel happy, even when I am around people that I know I love, so I have been isolating myself.
*I am beginning to feel really jumpy and on edge.
*My mood keeps changing rapidly. In minutes, I can go from feeling really happy to really down or terrified.
*I just do not have the energy to take care of myself in the morning. I have not showered for days.
*I've been drinking more, but just to take the edge off of my feelings a little.
Please share your story -- or someone you know -- below. We want to help. Thank you for serving our country.

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